The Hampton Crew

The Hampton Crew

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another year older...

33 years. I know crazy huh?! Of course with any birthday it brings on a reflection of the past year. My initial thought was it hasn't been much of a year. But then I asked myself where and what was I doing this time last year? WOW what a year I have had.
  1. Got my B.A.
  2. Enrolled in the ULV credential/masters program
  3. Quit my job of 7 years
  4. Went to South Carolina
  5. My heart issues (that was weird, but its all good now)
  6. Witnessed my niece begin born
  7. I have a nephew on the way
  8. Subsituting
  9. So much more...

It is amazing all the good, bad, and ugly happenings that can happen in 1 year. I look forward to this next year and all the interesting happenings I will encounter.

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